Genesis: Week 10

Sunday, May 26th, 2024

Please Read

  • Genesis 4:1-16

Discuss the Main Idea

  • Broken relationship with God means broken relationships with others

Five Characteristics of Those Identified with the Seed of the Woman

  1. Bring your best to the Lord (4:1-4)

  2. Accept the reproof from the Lord (4:5-6)

  3. Remain watchful as sin crouches at the door (4:7)

  4. Walk in love towards your brothers and sisters in Christ (4:8)

  5. Surrender your guilt to Christ (4:9-16)

Questions For Greater Discussion

  • In the sermon we discussed the issue of “first fruits.” What does it mean to bring your first fruits to the Lord? What are some ways you can give your best to the Lord?

  • Are you able to receive instruction well from others? Who is someone in your life you have invited to speak into your life?

  • What does sober-mindedness mean? What are some practical ways to remain sober-minded regarding sin in you and in others? (You can read 1 Peter 5:8 here if you want)

  • Please Read 1 John 3:11-15. Why did Cain murder Abel? What are some ways you wrestle with jealousy in your heart that leads you to think poorly of others?

  • How does jealousy taint our hearts towards our brothers and sisters in Christ? What does it look like for you to “rejoice with those that rejoice?” (Romans 12:15)

  • Please Read Genesis 4:25-26. How does the birth of Seth show the ongoing plan and purposes of God?

Pray and close it out!!