Genesis: Week 9

Sunday, May 19th, 2024

Please Read

  • Genesis 3:8-24

Three Declarations That Can Be Seen in This Passage

  1. The Curse

    a. Relationship with God

    b. Relationship with ourselves

    c. Relationship with each other

    d. Relationship with nature

  2. The Cure (Gen. 3:15)

  3. The Caveat

Questions For Greater Discussion

  • What are some actions you have taken in the past you believe have left you feeling separated relationally from God? How has Christ restored that relationship?

  • What are some ways you struggle with shame? How does Christ take the shame we innately feel as sinful humans?

  • Do you struggle with superficial relationships? How does the Gospel give us capacity to have deeper relationships with God and each other?

  • What are some ways you blame shift? Relationally with your friends, your spouse, your children, or parents? How does relationship with Christ help us to take responsibility for sin inside of us?

  • Read Luke 1:30-35. How does the coming of Jesus fulfill the promise of Genesis 3:15?

  • How are you struggling with “the gap” in your life?

Pray and close it out!!