Genesis: Week 19
Sunday, August 4th, 2024
Please Read
Genesis 11:1-9
Discuss the Main Idea
God’s people will live for the fame of His name, not for the fame of our own names.
What does this passage teach us historically?
Before Genesis 11, the world spoke a single language and had full communication together.
The people gathered in Shinar, walked in disobedience, and unified in order to keep from scattering.
Unity is not always a good thing
What does this passage teach us theologically?
Our sovereign God cannot be overcome by sinful man
God is the one who makes a name great, not man
God will reverse the curse of the Tower of Babel in the Kingdom of Christ.
How does this passage apply to our lives?
Let’s live for the fame of the Lord’s name, not the fame of our own names.
Questions For Greater Discussion
What does unity around the Gospel look like in the church? What are some examples of wicked unity?
Please read Daniel 2:20-23. What are some examples in Scripture of God’s power over kings and kingdoms? What are some examples of God’s sovereignty in your life?
Can you think of a time you desired your own fame instead of fame for the Lord? How do you need to repent for desiring your own glory over the glory of the Lord?
Please read Acts 2:4-6. How is this passage a reversal of the Tower of Babel?
Consider Luke 14:11. What does it look like practically to walk in a spirit of humility?
Pray and close it out!!