Genesis: Week 20

Sunday, August 11th, 2024

Please Read

  • Genesis 11:10-32 ( Only if you want to :D )

Discuss the Main Idea

Human history is the steady unfolding of God’s perfect plan

What does this passage teach us historically?

  • Abram and his family were from Ur of the Chaldeans (modern day Kuwait).

  • This text follows the line of Shem all the way to the family of Abram.

  • God chooses Abram out of a family of idol worshippers

What does this passage teach us theologically?

  • God unfolds his plans with people as he chooses

  • God unfolds his plans in places that he chooses

  • God unfolds his plans in the times that he chooses

How does this passage apply to our lives?

  • Praise God for the people, places, and times He worked for your good, calling, and blessing

Questions For Greater Discussion

  • This was the last passage before we really begin to dig into the beginning of the people of Israel (Abraham). Up to this point, what is one impactful take away you can share with the group from Genesis so far?

  • This text focuses on a specific line of Shem. Why? Is Genesis an exhaustive history or are there theologically significant details highlighted? How does that change the way we read the book?

  • Please read Joshua 24:1-3. Why does God choose to save Abram out of a family of idolatry? Why did God choose to save you from a life of sin?

  • What is one way you see the hand of the Lord on your life bringing you into this time, place, and among these people of his choosing?

  • Abram lost his father chronologically directly before God led him into the promise land. What are some ways unexpected circumstances can bring you into the place of God’s purpose and blessing for your life?

  • Please read Philippians 1:6. What are some ways you can struggle to trust the plans and purposes of God?

Pray and close it out!!