Genesis: Week 27

Sunday, October 6th, 2024

Please Read

  • Genesis 17:1-27

Main Idea: The God who required circumcision of the flesh also requires circumcision of your heart

What does this passage teach us historically?

  • God affirms his covenant with Abraham and clarifies the contents of his promise.

  • Circumcision is a sign of God’s covenant with Abraham and his descendants.

  • God reiterates the promise of offspring through Abraham and Sarah in their coming son Isaac.

  • Abraham quickly responds and circumcises all the men in his household.

What does this passage teach us theologically?

  • God’s covenant promise requires a circumcision

How does this passage apply to our lives?

  • You must have a circumcison of the heart that is evident by faith and obedience

Questions For Greater Discussion

  • Some passages to read together: Deuteronomy 10:16 Deuteronomy 30:6, Jeremiah 4:4, Romans 2:25-29.

  • How is the New Covenant of Christ the ultimate fulfillment of this sign of the covenant with Abraham?

  • Please Read Ezekiel 36:26-27. What are some ways the Spirit of God has removed the heart of stone (uncircumcision) and put in you a heart of flesh (circumcision)?

  • How does circumcision of the heart challenge and clarify our understanding of faith and works? (Galatians 5:6)

  • Why is Abraham’s obedience important in Genesis 17? Hasn’t God already made his covenant with Abraham? (Note: Genesis 17 comes long after the statement of Genesis 15:6 which is true in the heart of Abraham).

  • One of the challenges with the Jews during the period of Christ and the Church is reliance on their external works (circumcision). What are some ways you struggle with relying too much on your external work?

Pray and close it out!!