Genesis: Week 29

Sunday, November 10th, 2024

Please Read

  • Genesis 18:16-33

Main Idea: The more God reveals his judgement, the more it should lead us to request his mercy

What does this passage teach us historically?

  • God has chosen Abraham as the specific representative to reveal his justice and and righteousness.

  • God has heard the outcry against these wicked cities and promises to investigate the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah.

  • Abraham intercedes on Sodom’s behalf and seeks the mercy of the Lord if there are righteous people found.

  • God promises to show mercy if 10 righteous can be found.

What does this passage teach us theologically?

  • God acts with just judgement.

  • God mercifully hears our intercessory requests.

How does this passage apply to our lives?

  • If you want to be spared from God’s judgement, then you need righteousness.

  • Intercede and pray for God’s mercy in our day.

Questions For Greater Discussion

  • What are some big ideas and overall recap we have seen in Genesis up to this point?

  • Please read Ezekiel 16:48-50 and Isaiah 1:10-11. What do these passages teach us about the sin of the people in Sodom and Gomorrah? What are some ways we ourselves are guilty of these sins? (haughty, excess food, empty sacrifice, not aiding poor and needy etc.)

  • How does Abraham’s intercession foreshadow Christ’s intercession on our behalf? Read Hebrews 7:23-24 and think through the ultimate intercession of Christ.

  • Think through Romans 14:11-12. How does the eminence of God’s judgement alter our disposition towards the Lord and others?

  • What are some ways you are affected by the truth God hears your prayers? What is one “sinner” you are currently interceding for?

Pray and close it out!!


Additional Resource

After teaching Genesis 18:16-33 in Week 29 of our Genesis Series, Pastor Jason, and guest host Jesse Jackson, dive deeper into the question: “Can we change God’s mind?” On UBC’s Talking Points Podcast.