Genesis: Week 33
Sunday, January 12th, 2025
Please Read
Genesis 21:22-34
Main Idea: The everlasting God has everlasting faithfulness to his covenant people
What does this passage teach us historically?
Abimelech engages with Abraham again and recognizes God’s favor over Abraham
Abraham reproves Abimelech for the actions of his men
They enter into a covenant together and exchange lambs as a symbol of their agreement and resolve their offense
God establishes Beersheba as the place where Isaac dwells as the narrative begins to shift towards Isaac and away from Abraham.
God established the borders of Israel and already begins to fulfill his promise of land in Genesis 12:1-3
What does this passage teach us theologically?
He is the everlasting God
How does this passage apply to our lives?
When you witness God’s work in your life, respond in worship
Questions For Greater Discussion
Have you had a conflict with someone you respected? How did you engage in conflict resolution? What are some ways you have handled conflict poorly in the past? Please read Matthew 18:15-20 and discuss healthy conflict resolution.
Abimelech acknowledges the favor of God in this text. Does this make him a worshipper of Yahweh? What experiences have you had in your life or with others who appreciate God but do not adore him?
What are some ways you need to acknowledge God’s faithfulness in your life over the past few years? How are you memorializing and remembering God’s faithfulness to you?
What are some ways you take God’s consistency for granted? What are your current habits of worship before God?
Please read Romans 12:1-2. What is one way you can embody sacrificial worship before the Lord this week?
Pray and close it out!!