Genesis: Week 34
Sunday, January 19th, 2025
Please Read
Genesis 22
Main Idea: Don’t let your faith subside for the Lord will provide
What does this passage teach us historically?
Abraham responds to the Lord with “here I am”
Moriah is a place of Biblical significance
Abraham believes the Lord will ultimately provide and follow through on his promises.
Seeing that Abraham indeed does not withhold Isaac, God provides a ram for the sacrifice to take the place of his son.
Abraham calls the region “the Lord will provide” and knows not how ultimate provision in the sacrifice of Jesus will be fulfilled in that place.
God has no higher power to swear by than himself
Reaffirmation of the covenant with some noticeable changes
“Sand on the seashore”
“Your offspring shall possess the gate of his enemies”
“In your offspring (instead of “in you” from Genesis 12) shall all the nations of the earth be blessed”
What does this passage teach us theologically?
God will allow circumstances to test our faith
God has “provided for Himself the Lamb”
How does this passage apply to our lives?
Stand in faith, not withholding from the Lord knowing his purposes are for our good
Respond to the Gospel by walking in obedience to the Lord, trusting in his promises
Questions For Greater Discussion
What is the difference between testing and tempting? Please read James 1:12-15 and discuss together.
How have you been tested in your life and what did you find to be true about your faith during that time?
Would you respond in obedience if the Lord asked you to offer up your greatest treasures? What are some ways you may be withholding from God? Please read Luke 9:23-27 and discuss
Abraham names the region “the Lord will provide.” What was a moment you saw the provision of the Lord? Did you memorialize it in any way?
Abraham and Isaac display remarkable obedience in this text. What are some ways you want to grow in your obedience? What is your “here I am” moment before the Lord?
Pray and close it out!!