Genesis: Week 37

Sunday, February 9th, 2025

Please Read

  • Genesis 24:28-67

Main Idea: God perfectly guides and provides for those who follow Him in faith

What does this passage teach us historically?

  • Laban sees the gold on Rebekah from the servant and receives him warmly

  • The servant gives them context for Abraham’s story and the favor of the Lord that is upon his family

  • Laban and Bethuel seem to acknowledge God’s hand on the relationship forming in this chapter and they allow Rebekah to go with the servant.

  • Rebekah agrees to go and receives a blessing from her family

  • Rebekah comes to Isaac and is a comfort to him after his mother’s death.

What does this passage teach us theologically?

  • God faithfully keeps his covenant promises

  • God gives us types of Christ in the Old Testament

How does this passage apply to our lives?

  • Following in faith means you believe in Jesus Christ who God provided for you

  • Following in faith means you WAIT for God to provide you a spouse

    • Walk closely with the Lord yourself

    • Ask the Lord to bring you a spouse

    • Investigate character over beauty

    • Trust godly counsel

    • Step out in faith

Questions For Greater Discussion

(Feel free to adjust some of the questions surrounding singleness based upon the demographics of your group)

  • The servant recognizes God as the source of Abraham’s greatness. What is one practical way you can give glory to God for your life circumstances?

  • What are some pictures from Genesis 24 that remind us of the Gospel? What are some ways these truths are an encouragement to you?

  • What does it mean to wait on the Lord for his timing in relational development? How are you seeking to walk with the Lord right now even if you are in a time of waiting?

  • What are some ways we are quick to observe beauty over character? What are some traps we might face if we don’t seek character over beauty?

  • How are you teaching biblical womanhood and manhood in your home?

  • Please read Proverbs 11:14. How are you seeking Godly counsel for decisions in your life?

Pray and close it out!!