Genesis: Week 36
Sunday, February 2nd, 2025
Please Read
Genesis 24:1-27
Main Idea: God perfectly guides and provides for those who follow him in faith
What does this passage teach us historically?
Abraham calls for Eleazar his servant to prepare for a journey to find Isaac a wife.
Abraham sends his servant so that Isaac will not leave the land of promise.
Eleazar prepares gifts to pay for Isaac’s bride (Potentially significant).
Eleazar prays and asks the Lord to reveal his steadfast love to Abraham by answering his prayer.
Rebecca exemplifies Biblical womanhood in hospitality, purity, and serving.
The Lord answers and directs Eleazar.
What does this passage teach us theologically?
See next week
How does this passage apply to our lives?
See next week
Questions For Greater Discussion
Why does Abraham not allow Eleazar to find a wife for Isaac among the Canaanites? How should we apply that concept to our lives today?
Please read 2 Corinthians 6:14-15. What does “unequally yoked” mean?
Why does Abraham’s servant appeal to God’s steadfast love for Abraham? What are some observations from his prayer in verses 12-14?
How has God directly answered your prayers in moments of need? Please share with the group.
What are some attributes of Biblical womanhood observed in Rebecca?
What is a way you need to “start obeying what you know” in this season of your life?
“Will Rebecca become Isaac’s wife? Will the servant be successful in his mission? Will God provide? Tune in next week to find out!!!”
Pray and close it out!!