Multiply - Part 3
Sunday, January 21, 2024
Main Text: 2 Timothy 2:1-7
Main Idea: The local church is the place where members are identified, equipped, and launched as spiritual leaders.
Consider Acts 14:21-23 - What is the pattern of the Apostle Paul in his traveling? (Preach, disciple, raise up elders)
What does it mean to multiply leaders?
We look for people reliant on God’s grace.
We raise people up through discipleship so they can disciple others.
We ready ourselves and others to be living sacrifices.
Why would we be involved in the multiplication of leaders
The Great Commission tells us to go and make disciples of all nations, and it will require leaders to do so.
Leaders are used by God to move people onto God’s purposes
Questions for greater discussion:
Do any of you aspire to the office of pastor/elder? If so, why? What steps are you taking now to prepare yourself for that reality? (1 Timothy 3:1) If you were nominated this week to serve as a deacon or elder would you be willing to prayerfully undertake that task?
Why are Godly character qualities necessary for spiritual leadership? What are some selfish motives that we might possess to lead?
Who are the people you watch spiritually you are seeking to learn from right now? (Think through 2 Tim 2:2 here). Who are you investing in right now in your life? Is there anyone God is prompting you to initiate investment in?
Consider the APTAT acronym: Admit, Pray, Trust, Act, Thank. How can these principles assist our personal reliance on God over our personal competencies?
Pray for one another and close it out!