Multiply - Part 4
Sunday, January 28, 2024
Multiply Sermon Guide
Main Text: Acts 18:1-11
What does it mean to multiply churches?
The city is engaged
Kingdom math is not addition, but multiplication
“We are growing big churches, while we are losing kingdom territory” (Vance Pitman).
Why is it important to multiply churches?
disciples are being made
Existing SBC churches record only 3.4 baptisms per 100 residents. New SBC churches average 11.7 baptisms per 100 members - a baptism rate that triples existing churches.
How our church can be involved?
Praying: Are we desperate to see lost people meet Jesus?
Sending: Are we sending workers into the field?
Giving: Are we giving towards kingdom goals?
Questions for greater discussion:
If there are churches all over our cities already, why is multiplying churches an important work?
What are some ways you can pray about participating in church planting? Is God calling you to participate in this work of our church?
“Someone is waiting on the other side of your obedience.” Who are the people in your city and your neighborhood and your workplace you are praying for and actively seeking opportunities to share Christ with?
What are some ways we can shift our mentality of ministry from “services” to engaging a city and meeting people?
“Kingdom math is not addition but multiplication.” Consider Acts 13:1-3. What does it mean to become a multiplying church? How should we shift our viewpoint from UBC central to kingdom central?
“Multiplying churches should be as natural as multiplying disciples.” Why is this a challenging statement?
Are you considering attending the church planting meetings towards the end of February?
Pray for one another and close it out!