Make Him Known - Week 2 - Mercifully

Sunday, October 10, 2021

  1. Last week we kicked off our daily prayer devotions, weekly family discussions, and had our first day of church-wide prayer & fasting. How has the Lord used those things in your life? (You can find a digital copy of the Make Him Known book at

  2. As you’ve been reading the Make Him Known book and hearing the updates on Sundays, do you have any new questions or excitement about our Make Him Known campaign? (Here, Near, & Everywhere - pg 20 / “One Fund” - pg 30 / Timeline - pg 104)

  3. This week, we focused on making Him known mercifully. We looked at the parable of the Good Samaritan to help us get a frame of reference. Before we read the parable, what are some important bits of context that we need to remember about Jews, Samaritans, etc? (See Jason’s brief description here.

  4. Read Luke 10:25-37 aloud. What kind of mercy is described in this passage?

    • How is this mercy (compassion) different from sympathy?

  5. Verses 31-32 describe people who are deeply religious, but ignore the need of the person in front of them. How do we see this same thing play out today? 

    • How can we keep ourselves from doing this?

  6. Review the characters in the parable. Who represents Jesus? Who represents us? 

    • Why do we often assume we are the Good Samaritan instead of the needy man in the ditch or the priest & Levite? What would change about how we relate to God and others if our perspective changed? 

  7. Take some time to share some ways (or reasons) that you have needed (and still need) God’s mercy. 

  8. Share a time when someone exemplified this kind of mercy & compassion toward you? 

  9. What is one way that you are being challenged to show this kind of mercy? (not just notice, but act)

  10. Brainstorm ways that UBC or your Growth Group can develop intentional and strategic ministries of mercy as we Make Him Known together.


  • Go to for a digital copy of the “Make Him Known” book. 

    • If you or your group have questions that are not clearly addressed in the Make Him Known book, please send those

  • The 2nd half of the book is a weekly/daily guide for the month of October. We would love for every person in UBC to follow along with the weekly challenges and daily prayer times. 

  • Oct 28 is our next day of church-wide days of prayer & fasting. Consider how your group can encourage each other to pursue God’s will for that day. Discuss the impacts of those days and what God taught us through them.

Phil Wing