We took a break from our series on II Thessalonians to install new elders & deacons, commission families in their roles as parents, and to allow our new elders to speak directly to the fathers of UBC.
In the 3rd week of our series on the book of II Thessalonians, Pastor Jason taught from II Thessalonians 2:1-12 about what will surround the return of Christ.
In the 2nd week of our series on the book of II Thessalonians, Pastor Jason taught from II Thessalonians 1:5-12 about how, when, and why God vindicates His church amidst their affliction.
To introduce our new series on II Thessalonians, UBC Deacon and Class Teacher, Conor Tait, taught from II Thessalonians 1:1-4 about the 5 characteristics of a commendable church.
In the final week of our “Dollars and Sense” series, Pastor Jason Wing taught from II Corinthians 9:6-15 about how generosity and giving lead to gratitude and worship.
In week 3 of our “Dollars and Sense” series, Dr. Scott Dixon taught from Luke 18:18-30 about the emotions tied to money and how we are called to use the blessings we are given.
In week 2 of our “Dollars and Sense” series, Pastor Jason Wing taught from Matthew 6:19-24 on God’s perspective of money - why we have it, what it really is, and how we are to use it.
Pastor Jason Wing started our new series “Dollars and Sense” by teaching from I Timothy 6:6-10 and addressing the fruit, root, and solution to our ultimate money problem.
In the last week of “Asking for a Friend: Part 2”, Pastor Jason taught about why we can believe the Bible is actually true.
In the second week of “Asking for a Friend: Part 2”, Pastor Jason taught about how the Gospel frees us to be a forgiving people even when forgiveness is difficult.
In our first week of “Asking for a Friend": Part 2”, Pastor Jason showed us how the narrative of scripture helps us answer the question “How can a good God allow suffering in the world?”.
On Easter Sunday, Pastor Jason preached through Matthew 28 and the power of the resurrection & new life that Jesus brings.
Read MoreIn the 13th week of our study on I Thessalonians, Pastor Jason Wing preached from I Thessalonians 5:23-28 and recapped our study through this entire book.
Read MoreIn the 12th week of our study on I Thessalonians, Pastor Jason Wing preached from I Thessalonians 5:19-22. BECAUSE THE LORD RULES THE HOUSEHOLD, THE LORD SETS THE HOUSEHOLD RULES
Read MoreIn the 11th week of our study on I Thessalonians, Pastor Jason Wing preached from I Thessalonians 5:15-18. BECAUSE THE LORD RULES THE HOUSEHOLD, THE LORD SETS THE HOUSEHOLD RULES
Read MoreIn the 10th week of our study on I Thessalonians, Pastor Jason Wing preached from I Thessalonians 5:12-14 about a couple of the “household rules” that the Lord has given His church.
In the 9th week of our study on I Thessalonians, guest speaker Pastor Jim Dreisbach preached from I Thessalonians 5:1-11 about the growing, unmistakable contrasts between believers and unbelievers.
In the 8th week of our study on I Thessalonians, Pastor Jason preached from I Thessalonians 4:13-18 about the truths that help us have hope in the face of death.
In the 7th week of our study on I Thessalonians, Pastor Jason preached from I Thessalonians 4:9-12 on the 4 ways to maintain proper lives in order to build effective Gospel bridges with unbelievers.
In the 6th week of our study on I Thessalonians, Pastor Jason preached from I Thessalonians 4:1-8 - WHEN WE LIVE TO BE SPIRITUALLY PLEASING TO GOD, WE WILL LIVE SEXUALLY PURE BEFORE GOD.