We kicked off a short mini-series based on James 1:27 and the church’s call to care for orphans & widows. This week, Phil Wing preached from Galatians 4:3-7 about our identity as heirs in the kingdom of an orphan-loving God.
In the last week of the Make Him Known sermon series, Pastor Jason preached from Romans 12:1-2 about the what, why, and how of making Christ known worshipfully.
In the 4th week of the Make Him Known sermon series, Pastor Jason preached from Matthew 25:14-30 and how all of our resources are meant to be used for God’s glory.
In our 3rd week of the Make Him Known sermon series, Pastor Jason preached from Psalm 78:1-8 and the disciple’s role to pass on the truths of Christ from one generation to the next.
This was week 2 of our Make Him Known campaign - a 2 year initiative for all of UBC. Pastor Jason preached from Luke 10:25-37 about our call to Make Him Known mercifully.
This week we kicked off our Make Him Known campaign which is a 2-year initiative for all of UBC. Pastor Jason preached the first of a 5-week series highlighting the key aspects that God is calling UBC to pursue throughout this initiative (and beyond). This sermon was from Matthew 28:18-20 about the call for us to Make Him Known Missionally.
In the 5th week of our “Why We’re Here” series, Pastor Jason preached from Ephesians 4:1-16 about true community and what it means for us to know Christ relationally.
In the 4th week of our “Why We’re Here” series, Pastor Jason preached from Romans 8:26-27 about what it means to pray in the Spirit and why it’s important for us as individuals and as a church.
In the 3rd week of our “Why We’re Here” series, Pastor Jason preached from II Timothy 3:14-17 and challenged us that in order to be a wholehearted disciple of Jesus, we must know Him Biblically.
In the 2nd week of our “Why We’re Here” series, Pastor Jason preached from John 3:1-6 about having a genuine relationship with Jesus and why it’s important.
We are kicking off a new 10 week series called “Why We’re Here”. In the first sermon of that series, Pastor Jason Wing preached from I Corinthians 8:6 declaring that God is why we’re here.
In our 4th week in this series, UBC Elder Scott Dixon, focused on verse 13 of the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:7-13) about how Kingdom prayer will be full of realistic hope.
In our 3rd week in this series, Pastor Phil Wing focused on verse 12 of the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13) about how Kingdom prayer is always mercy-minded.
In our 2nd week on the Lord’s Prayer, Pastor Jason Wing taught us from Matthew 6:7-13 about how real prayer trusts in the Provider far more than the provision.
We kicked off a new series on the Lord’s Prayer. In the first week of this series, UBC elder Scott Dixon, taught us from Matthew 6:7-13 how Kingdom prayer always starts with a name.
God directed us to take a week off of our scheduled preaching plan and devote our morning together to worship & prayer.
In the 6th week of our series on the book of II Thessalonians, Pastor Jason taught us from II Thessalonians 3:6-15 about how the church should respond to the problem of idleness.
In the 5th week of our series on the book of II Thessalonians, Pastor Jason taught us from II Thessalonians 3:1-5 about how to pray like a mission-minded church.
We took a break from our series on II Thessalonians and were taught by one of our deacons, Glen Duerr, on a Biblical view of citizenship.
In the 4th week of our series on the book of II Thessalonians, Pastor Jason taught us from II Thessalonians 2:13-17 about the truths of our salvation that comfort us and help us stand firm in the face of fear.